The History and Origin of Pink Himalayan Salt: A Comprehensive Guide | 250 Million Years old Salt

Pink Himalayan Salt witnessed a rapid increase in its popularity around the globe in current years. It is likely to become a household name pretty soon. The reason is, that it is the best substitute for traditional table salt and has a lot of health benefits due to its mineral-rich natural composition. Still unsure, why this salt becoming so popular? Then, this article is for you. Here we will discuss the origin and history of Pink Salt.

Common Name: Himalayan Pink Salt

Other Names: Pink Salt, Himalayan Sea Salt, Rock Salt, Himalayan Crystal Salt

Scientific Name: Pink Halite or Mineral Halite

Pink Himalayan Salt

History of Pink Himalayan Salt:

Himalayan Pink Salt has a history that goes way back 500–600 million years when it dissolved and later crystallized under the remnants of ancient seabeds. These gigantic oceans dried up over time and left these huge deposits of mesmerizing white and pink salt crystals deep down under the mountains.

These sodium chloride deposits gradually take the form of pink crystal salt rocks. Its pinkish tint hue is due to a trace of minerals, primarily Iron.

Locals believe that pink salt was discovered by the army of Alexander The Great. However, known history shows that it was mined in the 1200s for the first time by some tribal men.

Origin of Pink Himalayan Salt:

On the upper bank of the Jhelum River near the ancient city of Pind Dadan Khan, Punjab, Pakistan, are the Khewra Salt Mines, Where these deposits can be found. This mountain range is called the Salt Range, located under the foothills between the Indus River and Punjab Plains.

Nutritional Facts:

Alchemists who recognized its true worth referred to this Himalayan rock salt as “White Gold.” Later, this salt was an essential component of Ayurvedic therapy across the Sub-Continent. It is so rich in minerals that according to certain research, it includes roughly 84 minerals that are crucial for human health.

The chemical composition of pink salt is identical to that of table salt. Its chemical name is sodium chloride (NaCl). Your body needs sodium and chloride to function properly. These two are a clear and significant component of Himalayan pink salt because they make up the majority of edible salt. In contrast to table salt, which contains 99.9% sodium chloride on average, Himalayan pink salt has greater space for additional minerals and components. Sodium chloride makes up 98 percent of rock salt. Different minerals and elements make up the final 2% of the Himalayan salt.

The body requires sodium for several essential processes. Don’t consume too much salt, though, as doing so can be detrimental. Sodium helps to keep fluid equilibrium and supports the smooth operation of muscles and nerves.

Mineral Composition:

According to reports, Himalayan pink salt has 0.1 percent magnesium, 0.28 percent potassium, and 0.16 percent calcium content. These are all necessary minerals and elements for fundamental bodily processes.


According to reports, Himalayan Pink Salt has 0.1 percent magnesium, 0.28 percent potassium, and 0.16 percent calcium content. These are all necessary minerals and elements for fundamental bodily processes. Iodine: Himalayan salt has iodine that is present in nature. This indicates that, unlike table salt, it does not require artificial iodine treatment. Iodine is required for the thyroid gland to produce hormones. These hormones control vital biological processes. Iodine occurs naturally in Himalayan salt. This indicates that, unlike table salt, it does not require artificial iodine treatment. Iodine is a necessary element for the thyroid gland to produce hormones. These hormones control vital biological processes.

Iodine deficiency may affect the production of these vital hormones. Goiter, a condition marked by thyroid gland enlargement, may result from this as well. This natural salt assists in preventing goiter in this manner.


Have you ever wondered how this rock salt acquires its distinctive orange-pink hue? It’s all because of the iron traces in the salt. It appears that 38.9 ppm of this trace mineral is sufficient to completely alter the salt’s appearance. This helps to prevent goiter by using this natural salt.


Although it is present in very minute amounts in Himalayan salt, this additional necessary element has advantageous effects on the human body. It is excellent for both bone growth and metabolism. Magnesium also works well in the treatment of various heart diseases.


A small quantity of calcium is found in this salt. But, the benefits of calcium for bone health are widely documented. Additionally, Calcium works well with magnesium to help prevent osteoporosis and weak bones.


Himalayan salt contains an additional component of zinc. It can be found in all bodily cells. It supports the immune system’s defense against dangerous germs.


The body’s tissues and cells benefit from the presence of phosphorus, another trace element.

Other Elements and Minerals:

Himalayan salt also contains concentrations of















and other metals.

Daily Life Uses:

Salt has been used as a component of the diet and medicinally since ancient times. Apart from these benefits, Himalayan rock salt has a lot more to offer. This salt’s therapeutic properties are becoming increasingly popular. Decoration items and artifacts i.e. Pink Salt Lamps made of natural Himalayan Pink Rock salt are quite popular all over the world. Some of the most often mentioned benefits of rock salt.

Culinary Uses of Himalayan Pink Salt:

Pink salt can be used in place of table salt in cooking and baking. Himalayan pink salt, on the other hand, is holistic. Furthermore, because of its 84 elements content, it can be a nutritious food component. Among these elements are numerous trace minerals that are necessary for health. Himalayan Pink Salt contains more minerals than regular table salt. Top chefs regard it as a true gourmet cooking salt. It also gives foods an interesting pink color and a different texture, which can add something unique to your menu.

Medicinal Uses of Himalayan Pink Salt:

Himalayan Pink Salt is thought to be beneficial in the following ways by many people:

  • Increasing libido by controlling water levels in the body
  • Reducing sinus infections and other sinus-related issues
  • Reducing wrinkles by increasing bone strength
  • Getting rid of cramps
  • promoting deeper and more restful sleep

Health and General Wellness:

This rock salt may help with various health problems, including maintaining body water and electrolyte balance. Using a small amount in the morning replenishes energy levels. Research shows that it is a result of pink Himalayan salt crystals absorbing the potential energy of the Sun and the Earth over billions of years.


In conclusion, pink Himalayan salt is a unique and natural mineral salt that has gained popularity in recent years due to its alleged health benefits and distinctive flavor. It is believed to contain numerous minerals and trace elements that are essential for human health, although there is limited scientific evidence to support these claims.

Despite some controversy surrounding its health benefits, pink Himalayan salt remains a popular choice among health enthusiasts and foodies alike. It can be used in cooking and baking, as well as in bath salts and other personal care products.

Overall, pink Himalayan salt is a fascinating and versatile substance that has a rich history and unique properties. While its health benefits may be subject to debate, there is no denying that it is a delicious and distinctive ingredient that adds flavor and interest to a wide range of dishes and products.

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